HiPC 2021 Instructions for Technical Session Presentations



Instructions for Presenting Author for accessing the Virtual Platform



Presentation Schedule: link 


Step 1: Registration


  • HIPC 2021 is a private event and can only be accessed by registered delegates.
  • If you have registered already, you are pre-authorized for the event. You should have already received an email from Airmeet with a title ‘Confirm Registration for HiPC Conference 2021, on Friday, December 17th 2021 8:00 AM IST’. If you’re not able to locate the email, please check the spam folder.
  • If you’re still unable to find the registration email, do not worry. Go to the event link and sign up yourself using the same email shared during registration. Your email is the event database and it will automatically allow you to register and attend. Virtual Conference Website
  • In case you still face difficulty, drop an email to us at [email protected]/hipc2021 with your registration details and someone will revert back to you at the earliest.

Step 2: Log in to Virtual Conference Website 


  • Open the HiPC Conference 2021 using the below link and click on ENTER EVENT button. (use Google Chrome Browser)

Virtual Conference Website



  • 15 minutes before the start of the session, the presenting author will receive an invite from the portal to join the session. Click on Accept Invite.


  • You will then receive a request to join the backstage of the session as a speaker. Click on Join Now.


Note to Authors:


  1. Authors of papers have designated one of the authors to be the Presenting Author for your paper. This author will receive email from the platform hosts to confirm their availability and any other information needed to join their technical session.
  1. In each session and in the order in which they appear in the program, the paper will be presented briefly in a four (4) minute video, after which the authors will participate in a live Q&A session.
  1. Additional tips for presenting authors
    • Arrive at least 15 minutes before start time for your session.
    • The session chair will moderate any questions or discussion.
    • Remind co-authors to register to have access to proceedings and to attend.

Guide to Virtual Platform


HiPC 2021 will be hosted via Airmeet platform. Attendees, including especially authors who will be presenting their paper, can familiarize themselves by visiting the webpage here and the links provided. Please visit these pages to prepare for the best experience in presenting your paper virtually.


Entry to the virtual site is restricted to registered participants only. Please see the detailed instructions below to gain access to the virtual site.


The full proceedings of the conference are available on the Virtual Platform, and they include an accompanying pdf file of slide presentations. They are available to all HiPC 2021 registrants who may preview your work before attending the virtual live session for your scheduled 4-minute presentation via video that you uploaded prior to the conference.


Users may download the proceedings for individual use. Presentation of an accepted paper at the conference is a requirement of publication. Post-conference, papers presented in the virtual live session will be eligible for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.